MIT 6.172 Performance Engineering of Software Systems
Algorithms for Modern Hardware
Performance explained easy blog
Prof. Mark Hill note argues for more use of simple models beyond Amdahl's Law: Bottleneck Analysis, Little's Law, and a M/M/1 Queue.
How much bandwidth does the L2 have to give, anyway?
Every 7.8μs your computer’s memory has a hiccup
Computer Latency at a Human Scale
Latency numbers every programmer should know
Performance variations in 2386 identical processors
Memory Bandwidth: Napkin math
Analyzing and Debugging Performance Issues with Advanced ARM CoreLink System IP Components
SoC Interconnect Analysis
Why on-chip networks are important?
How to measure System Performance?
Understanding Complexities
Performance Analysis of Multi-threaded applications for beginners
Multithread vs Multiprocess
Offline Optimization for Architecting Hardware Accelerators
Last updated 1 year ago
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